Question Adam 2022/11/15(Tue) 12:38
I have broken issue with spring that using SWP-B material. Is that possible caused from tempering parameter or not? Parameter tempering is 260°/4 minutes.
Answer Tokai Spring 2022/11/15(Tue) 18:40
Dear Adam,
Thank you very much for your question!
Heat treatment can be a cause to spring breakage but we suggest checking the usage conditions as well as the load applied to the spring as well because if it is used overloaded, earlier breakage happens as well.
We have a free online spring calculator on our website, you can use it to check if the spring is used overloaded or not!
We hope it helps!
Best regards,
Tokai Spring’s Support Team
We are happy to answer any inquiries regarding technology, specifications, materials, etc. Please feel free to ask.