Question Spring Newbie 2019/1/28(Mon) 14:04
When a compression spring is compressed, the part that bears the load slide off from the cut part of the closed end and it only happens at one end. The wire diameter is 3 mm, the inner diameter is 47 mm, and the number of active coils is 2. I don’t think the stability is good due to the specifications of the spring, but I would appreciate it if you could tell me other possible factors that cause this problem.

Answer Tokai Spring 2019/1/29(Tue) 10:22
Spring Newbie, thank you for posting!!!
It happens near the end of the spring, right??? Since the wire diameter is φ3 mm and the number of active coils is 2, it is thought that the stability when compressed is poor and buckling may occur as the free length is long. In addition, even if the coils are in close contact with each other, buckling may occur if a compressive load is applied, and the seating surface may shift. As a countermeasure, it is necessary to compress it within the range that does not cause overload, or increasing the coil diameter, or increasing the number of coils so that buckling does not easily occur. Since the wire diameter is small, the sliding-off problem can happen easily if the coil diameter at the time of coiling varies, so it is also important to suppress the variation in the coil diameter.
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