Question Spring Newbie 2019/5/16(Thu) 8:02
I am a beginner of springs. I am using a compression spring for the slide part of the injection mold. The customer asked me the basis for selecting the grade. Because it was made externally, I do not know the answer. The following are the check points:
① Durability (how many shots should be replaced?)
② Reason for selecting the spring.
Current situation:
・ Slide load: 8 kg
・ Spring used SWF 16-80

Answer Tokai Spring 2019/5/16(Thu) 8:14
Spring Newbie, thank you for posting!!!
It seems that you are using a standard product called SWF 16-80, so if you search on the Internet, you can see MISUMI’s catalog, and you can check the spring characteristics in there! Durability and the reasons for selecting the springs cannot be judged from the conditions described… I’m sorry.
If you know the details of the injection mold, it may be useful. If confidentiality is required, please contact us here . Thank you!
We are happy to answer any inquiries regarding technology, specifications, materials, etc. Please feel free to ask.