Question Spring Newbie 2003/11/27(Thu) 15:26
We are currently thinking about a method for fixing the spring vertically. In order to fix the spring vertically, I tried to press-fit it into a cylindrical case, but the press-fit system was incomplete or slanted. Would you please tell me if you know how to fix the spring vertically?

Answer Tokai Spring 2003/11/29(Sat) 10:45
I wonder if this is the “buckling phenomenon”?
When an axial load is applied to an elongated object, the so-called “buckling phenomenon” occurs in which the object is suddenly displaced laterally. It should be noted that the same phenomenon occurs when the free height of the compression coil spring is larger than the mean diameter of the coil.
Answer Spring Newbie 2003/12/1(Mon) 8:53
Thank you for your reply. Currently, only one side has a convex structure, but if both sides have that same structure when compressed, the spring will be compressed vertically!!!
Thank you very much. The problem seems to be solved!
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