- keyword
- quenching
- tempering
- physicalproperties
- hardness
- annealing
- mechanicalproperties
- springterms
- austenitizingtemperature
- residualsterss
- machinability
- workability
- crystalstructure
- normalization

Question Tokai Spring 2015/11/11(Wed) 13:18
Hello! It’s Banetto here!
This time, I will explain some other useful spring terms for spring newbies!
Q1. What is quenching/tempering?
A1. Quenching: A operation to harden the material by cooling it suddenly from its austenitizing temperature.
Tempering: An operation of reheating and cooling a spring that was hardened by quenching to an appropriate temperature of A1 point or less.
Q2. What is annealing?
A2. A process of heating the metal to an appropriate temperature, maintaining that temperature, and then cooling. Its purpose is to remove the residual stress, reduce hardness, improve machinability, improve cold workability, adjust crystal structure, obtain the required mechanical, physical, or other properties.
Q3. What is normalization?
A3. Adjustment of crystal structure, obtaining the required mechanical, physical or other properties.
If you have any other spring terms that you don’t understand, please post them in the comment of this post! A spring specialist will answer them!
We are happy to answer any inquiries regarding technology, specifications, materials, etc. Please feel free to ask.