- keyword
- Young'smodulus
- Poisson'sratio
- tensilestrength
- density
- SUP10
- yieldpoint
- materialproperties
- proofstress
- lateralelasticmodulus
Question Spring Newbie 2016/3/14(Mon) 17:31
Below is your answer to the question regarding the material properties of SUP10. Are they values at room temperatures?
■ SUP10
Proof stress (yield point): 1080N/mm^2 or more
Tensile strength: 1230N/mm^2 or more
Longitudinal elastic modulus (Young’s modulus): 206000N/mm^2 or more
Lateral elastic modulus: 78500N/mm^2 or more
Poisson’s ratio: 0.30
Density: 7.85g / cm^3
*SUP10(EQ to 6150 by ASTM, 50CrV4 by DIN, 51CrV4 by ISO)

Answer Tokai Spring 2016/3/14(Mon) 19:08
Thank you for your question!
As you said, these are the characteristics of SUP10 at normal temperatures. We hope that this information will be of some help to you.
We are happy to answer any inquiries regarding technology, specifications, materials, etc. Please feel free to ask.