- keyword
- compressionsprings
- coilsprings
- unequalpitches
- springbuckle
- bucklingspring
- equalpitches
- aspectratio
Question Spring Newbie 2017/5/19(Fri) 13:05
If a compression coil spring with equal pitches and a compression coil spring with unequal pitches have the same aspect ratio, which one is more likely to buckle?

Answer Tokai Spring 2017/5/19(Fri) 13:15
Spring Newbie, thank you for your question!
If the aspect ratio of equal-pitch compression springs and unequal-pitch compression springs is the same, it is considered that there is no big difference in buckling! However, if the pitch intervals of the unequal-pitch compression spring are extremely wide, it is possible that buckling is more likely to occur to this spring than to the equal-pitch one.
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