Examples of Where Our Springs Have Been used By utilizing our spring manufacturing technology that we have nurtured over the years,
we have solved a whole host of spring-related issues in various fields.
Product Data
Product Name:Equipment using springs to automatically detect overload/looseness
Order made
Originally, this device was developed by Tokai Spring to detect abnormalities (looseness and overload) caused by foreign objects in operation of the ropes’ hoists in sluice gates at hydroelectric dams. However, it is now used widely in other applications such as rocket launch pads, concert hall ceiling sound equipment, and multi-story car parks. It is also used to detect looseness and overload of the equipment in which the opening and closing movements are performed. By using our high-quality springs to move the sensor, it is durable even after repeated use, and because it is a physical mechanism, it is more durable than general electric overload detection.
SUPPORTING clients who conduct R&D and prototyping activities by committing to carrying out research and collecting necessary data.
Specializing in producing small-lot orders of 5 or less. we can reproduce the exact same springs that were exclusively made years ago thanks to our in-house production data. Therefore, our clients can completely rely on our reproducibility, short delivery time and product quality.
Ability to reproduce springs Even if there is no drawing.
We provide excellent after-sales service and support so that our clients can use products without any worries.